Myanmar Earthquake: The 7.7 magnitude earthquake in Myanmar has caused massive destruction. The effect of this earthquake was felt even in India. The earthquake has caused damage from Sagaing of Myanmar to Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. It is being claimed that at least 1000 people have died in the devastation in Thailand. Now satellite images of the Myanmar earthquake have been released which has shaken everyone.
#MyanmarEarthquakeSatelliteImage #MyanmarThailandEarthquake
#EarthquakeinMyanmar #myanmarearthquaketoday
#satelliteimagesmyanmarearthquake #earthquakeinmyanmartoday
#myanmarearthquakenews #earthquakemyanmar #myanmarearthquake2025
#myanmarearthquakedeathtoll #thailandearthquake
#myanmarearthquakesatelliteimages #myanmarearthquakebeforeandafter
Even after a devastating earthquake killed over 1,600 people in Myanmar, the military junta continued launching airstrikes on rebel-held areas. The UN has condemned these attacks as "completely outrageous and unacceptable." Reports confirm that at least three airstrikes targeted the Sagaing region, near the earthquake’s epicenter. Instead of focusing on rescue and relief efforts, the Myanmar military continues its brutal crackdown on resistance strongholds. Is this a war crime? Will the international community intervene? Stay tuned for the latest updates.
#Myanmar #Earthquake #JuntaAttacks #WarCrimes #Sagaing #BreakingNews #HumanRights #UN #MyanmarCrisis #MilitaryCrackdown
Myanmar Earthquake: In the blink of an eye, Myanmar was brought to its knees as a massive earthquake struck, leaving a trail of devastation and chaos in its wake. With a death toll surpassing 1,600,..
Myanmar, Thailand Earthquake: A powerful earthquake near the Myanmar-Thailand border triggered terrifying scenes in Bangkok, where a rooftop pool overflowed, creating a dramatic waterfall effect...
Myanmar Earthquake Latest: 7.7 Magnitude Quake Kills 694, Thousands Injured – Desperate Plea for Aid
A devastating series of earthquakes, the strongest measuring 7.7 magnitude, has struck central..